No progress on the cleaning/tidying, but I took the trash out and loaded the dishwasher tonight.
Opinions on first tattoo? Done by artist Gavin at addictive ink
I feel so bad about sitting for only 3 hours today
Three days progress
What are you proud of?
Guide to navigate relationship during pmdd
Feeling overwhelmed
Day 2 of my period and I'm finally alive
Let's see your events!
2 days before period
[TW] I need to have a chat with my psychiatrist...
How long to unlock all Apoyo and past event moths?
AITA for how I'm treating my own Cancer diagnosis?
(27F) My fiancé (27M) says it’s not considered cheating
Show your ant event!
Cis women, what BC do you use and what are your thoughts on it/them?
Online partner just went hypomanic, how do I keep my sanity?
AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend because he made me hold his newborn nephew
me and cookie!
Just spent a thousand dollars...
My solution to lamictal taste
AITA for making my coworker cry?
My boyfriend feels ugly
AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend over a prank.