How would I make the guard more curved like the wooden sword and make the handle more flush with the guard?
A tip for those who use any razer keyboard
Was just wondering, why haven't we seen legion armor in game in any showcases, last time we seen it it was a placeholder from nordwar's UA. Palace guar arompr is amazing but I'd liked to see good old classic legion armor too
Nvidia App Overlay | cannot change mic input
My favorite screenshots of 2024
Be honest when was the last time you thought of this mob:
I wonder if this unnamed clone from Bad Batch is Clone Commander Deviss
Thanks you traveler! Left me 100 of them. Worth a whopping 1.2 billion units ❤️❤️ Didn’t get your name but hope you see this.
TIL you can summon your freighter from a planet's surface. Did you guys know that?
What is the most iconic minecraft version?
Looks like im getting another Christmas present tomorrow morning..
Dear Santa Murray
Hey guys! Just bought NMS yesterday and the sheer scope of both the game and the community is awesome. Would you give me some advice on how to farm credits and nanites? Thanks!
Why does this fish have a 1 when it's only a single item?
My life is 🥺🤤😢🤐😊❤️
which artifact do you prefer to sacrifice for the blood of the Daedra quest?
Hlaf way to my second unlock. Just need to say congrats 500 more times!
I think this is where I'll be settling down ❤️
Specific Sentinal Interceptor
Guide to finding your next Living Ship using Glyph and physical Coordinates
I think Im good on power....
3k karma!
Do you like playing as a Mage?