Most villainous villain?
Anti-abortion group will not break Scotland's buffer zones
Return ticket the wrong way
How can we compete with Ireland at the breakdown?
Match Thread - Scotland v Ireland | Six Nations 2025 | Round 2
What is your favourite line?
Post Match Thread - Ireland v England |Six Nations 2025 | Round 1
So, Sixmas is here, first weekend done, but one question remain. Who's got the most slappable face? Feel free to had your contribution.
Match Thread - Ireland v England | Six Nations 2025 | Round 1
How accurate is ball and player tracking and can it be used to make decisions in the field of play?
TIL: The United States held Japanese Americans and other Asians in concentration camps. George Takei who played Sulu on Star Trek was held in one.
What is the most overrated landmark in the world in your opinion?
Maeda suspension update
Del was justified hitting The Great Raymondo
For the love of rugby pub quiz.
Match Thread: Harlequins vs Leicester - Premiership
“I’d do her if she’d let me.”
Food Markets
Match Thread: Leinster vs Clermont - Champions Cup
Jack Nowell late hit
Yannick Youyoutte red card
Match Thread: Munster vs Stade Francais - Champions Cup
"Use it" Law
The Grand Nagus' scepter
Other than Marina Sirtis, has another ST actor appeared in a film that won Best Picture?