Mordekaiser mains are lucky
Gravity Field augment: can we go back to Implode instead of Magnetize?
Please Pros - How to get kills?
Rip Machine Virtuoso
Why is lich bane not a core item?
Viktor boots
Worst Change Ever (Shorter Capes)
Tbh LoL is not the same, just switch moba
Free skin
I am crying
Classes in Night Reign
Arcane by Ilyas Bolatov!
Has anyone tried resurrecting Buddy Rush?
Did you really like this change? When it's moving you can see that it should be long. Before it seemed much more villainous.
Blitzcrank, Jayce, & Viktor by Fawnmisty!
How's Viktor after the recent nerf?
IMO electrocute is a serious contender versus aery after the latest buffs
i find it interesting how this emote is still using the old design.
Riot made his cape shorter
Secret Boss Viktor concept (and something?)
Viktor in a cyberpunk city
Tweaked the splashart a bit, what yall think
""flesh it out""--> look inside --> last minute generic hivemind villain (from the arcane art book)
Just gonna leave this here...