The worst part about suicide
My nephew killed himself
EBay are actually a disgrace
Recurring sinusitis
What movie traumatized you as a child ?
Someone keep this bish away from the box dye
Imagine if these f*ckers moved to Wisteria Lane.
What hobby have you picked up in your adult life that makes you think “why didn’t I do this years ago”?
What should we name her?!
26 f with TSH levels of 7.15
I think I can smell a medical condition, how can I best identify it?
Mum dizzy after cutting finger
Dizziness days after cutting finger
Reality of teaching, from an ECT
Free £5 when you sign up to Zilch
Possible Rheumatoid Symptoms
If aliens came to earth and said "send a warrior to fight in a gladiator style tournament for the fate of your world" who would we send?