My collection so far akv1 plus (WIP)
How to pair?
Finally won a Strong Match
looking for 2 golden sea pearl, don't know what to offer but feel free to reach out.
Finally Hit lvl 1000
Does anyone have 2 Golden Sea Pearls? I have a blighted mustard.
Do people still play FISCH anymore?
Trading kraken for exalted relic
Trading golden sea pearl lf offer
Trading 1 Golden Sea Pearl Lf offer
Trading big sparkling ancient Meg for greedy enchant relic
Is anyone trading a Greedy Relic?
Trading translucent, hexed and fossilized relic for greedy relic (not trading first)
My guardian Angel chonky childhood cat aptly named Fatcat. Jumped on a black bear which had entered our property to defend my little brother who was playing nearby. The toughest cat I've ever known.
A hostage situation involving a blender & 3 cats that has made the news
Swat the barley x2
I`ll... just stand here