I went from nothing to everything … TMI!
How much time did you take off from work?
Calling my dr
Maybe I’m not ready
I want cake on my birthday :(
I’m doing my two week pre-op and now I’m having second thoughts…
I feel like I’m failing my sleeve
Gastric Sleeve for Neurodivergent people?
25-26 FAFSA will not let parent collaborate
Laksharaa may be scamming us?
Plus size work clothes for cheap??
Is it reversible?
Low cost meal prep pre and post surgery
If you were going to be kicked out…
Need a new job- don’t want them to call my current!
We fought right before and now I feel like a failure.
[Weekly Mentorship Thread] Career & OE Q&A - Get Tailored Advice from Industry Pros
I have no savings because I haven’t worked before. I’m going to start working soon. What should I save for first?
Liability Car insurance in NY?
Student I work with lost a few grand per area of aid
Not telling certain friends/family?
Budgeting for future expenses?
Career paths that don’t break the bank?
Powerline adapter for fiber optics?
I need help with my BOGO deal