4k Tow or 2k Tow
Listen to this….my new job changed their attendance policy (2 months after me joining)
Shopping around... is the '25 worth the money?
I asked for a raise today. The response was that I'm barely average at my job
Feedback on blood thinners
The front end redesign sucks. I said it.
Boss denied me picking up my daughter from school
How long on Oxy after the surgery?
"Run DISM" or "Run SFC Scan" might be the most useless advice ever given.
AITA for not giving my money to my aunt so she can buy my terminal grandma a nice handbag?
SE Missourian: Future uncertain for local, state farmers
AWD vs FWD Anxiety
23m just diagnosed with bav, I’m sacred what should I expect from now on.
Heart valve replacement and thyroid mediaction
Valentines roses
How much longer?
Called out of work due to my daughter
What do you guys understand under Cardiac Rehab?
Drop your best tips for using programmable splitters
I found Holocaust photos in a box of old photographs that was given to me.
What is the silliest investing mistake you ever made? Something that could serve as a lesson for others.
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
Regular vs crapless
Am I thinking about taxes the right way
An honest opinion or (the feeling i have after 1.0)