One vein on my hand
Feels like a LinkedIn in retreat
Big dogs only.
French man instantly loses his french citizenship
Pour ceux qui ont un prénom rare, est ce que vous n'aimez pas trop qu'on vous appelle par lui fort dans les lieux ou il y a du monde ou vous vous en fichez ?
Got a good title for this?
Fuck this French politician whose death led to the nation gathering to celebrate all across France
Meanwhile in France, people are celebrating Jean-Marie Lepen death and singing : He is dead, he is dead, he is dead...
Et si la France interdisait totalement de fumer dehors comme à Milan ?
Qu'avez-vous fait par amour pour votre ex, mais que vous regrettez aujourd'hui ?
As China’s economy continues its downward spiral, millions of Chinese prostitutes are being infested with AIDS from African immigrants.
Forum Libre / Open thread
Extra-Marital Affair Kalesh (Husband caught his wife's lover red handed, and then beats up her lover with punches and kicks, Amroha Up
[TOMT]An advertisement 'everything s better in french'
Need help for a prompt to analyse whatsapp convoy dynamic
Est ce que vous avez peur ou une haine de la police ?
English speaking friends - moving for a short term assignment
When I get a girlfriend I'm going to treat her amazing
Which ISTQB to go for?
New York cop gets confronted when it’s discovered that he cost city 1 Million in lawsuits so far
What are your best tips and tricks for Bumble?
You are offered $100 million dollars if you inject heroin for 30 consecutive days.
New York Times article gives out the best cities in the USA to be single.
Is everyone else paying Tinder premium or sth? Or people give out superlikes? I’m new to Tinder so very confused with everything
Am I doing something wrong?
Disappointed and not sure what to do