Colette, I think you got the wrong book
Did I miss the surpise party or some shit? I was struggling 😭
Greatest magical weapon. The M2 Browning.
Doesn’t Shadow also have a catchphrase? If not, what would it be?
Walk up to the guy who can lift a car over his head and politely ask him to leave
How would you rewrite Nine
Khajiit wonders why they work with these incompetent Blades.
He's Behind Me, Isn't He
People forget that vegito was slapping buuhan up as a sentient piece of candy
Opinions on my peak April Fools Idea ?
Just found out about this website and i just had to
Punchtale collection (@netto-painter)
“Shadow Travels” (Art by @fernsstories)
Up for some game of bingo lads/lass?
I drew someone's Xenoverse Cac for them!
I’m so sorry
SHAME concept
Name a character who can make things go boom
Alright chat what’s your last saved pic And DONT cheat
Who is your favorite girl from sonic the hedgehog?
Um yea bro, the game with over 60 million copies sold is mid slop and the game nobody has ever heard of is peak…
Send me your CaCs! Gonna raffle two of them to draw brawling each other! - Some of my art below