Does Regular Classic WoW Still Have a Decent Population? Considering Returning to Play.
Loans scheduled to be forgiven this month under SAVE. Rug pull?
Blizzard CS | The War Within Patch 11.1 Undermine(d) Info & Known Issues
What's with healers in casual content these days?
What's the most braindead class spec that isn't going to give me carpel/cubital tunnel
kicked from a TW dungeon for dying and not releasing. Last time I released instead of rez, I got kicked. no real winning here
Season 2 is going to go live with zero PvP testing on PTR. You still can’t even get season 2 conq gear.
“The evoker is a master of the elemental arts. as an Evoker you will weave all three elements.”
Starting again?
Worth to get back into wow? And if so, what?
Join Executive Producer Holly Longdale for a look ahead to 2025 in WoW!
Just purchased the 5e essentials kit (dragon of icespire peak) for the family. Any advice?
Dracthyr Transmog Frustrations
Is yelling and getting upset a common thing in raiding?
Died in a TW, and instead of rezzing, I got voted out.
Is mining really the EASIEST way to make gold?
You guys hate on lizards just for transmog?
Wrote a small addon (retail) to help with talent selection using Archon data
Anyone else feeling really excited for 11.1?
Class choice
[Blog] Season 2 changes to Mythic+ will target smoother progression and more rewards!
Are we going to end up getting classic wod, legion, bfa, and shadowlands?
What is your constructive criticism for the Democratic Party in the U.S.?
Is it easy to get into M+ groups as Aug this season?