Just picked this up
Which Futurama Character deserves a spin-off???
The Otherside Olivia WOW.
I wrote my first book!
What’s a sci-fi novel everyone should read at least once?
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Self-Publishing My First Book
Fringe 2x23-Over There pt.2 - Olivia vs. Altivia Fight
Books that only clicked on a second try?
Where Does Everyone Write?
Fringe ratings by episode chart!
Expected to love it, but you ended up hating it?
Personal Headcanon
Which post apocalyptic book has the scariest world?
Fringe or Lost?
Selling yourself?
When do you write?
What inspires you?
Books you can't traditionally read
Marketing Quandry
Fringe co-creator/executive producer Roberto Orci dead at 51
Marketing Quandary
Are You More Wide Net-Spreader or Deep Diver?
Finished Catch-22 for the first time
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
I like Stephen King's "The Gunslinger"