Split screen Bug
season 27 is just around the corner
After 13 years of listening to PTV, My girlfriend and I are finally seeing them live in Atlanta!
Festival is dying. The corporate board at Epic needs to stop suffocating this game
The AI NPC is going to be insane... look at this guy leaning side of his pick up truck!!
New controller for festival
The next week Jam Tracks If Epic locked tf in
What's an artist you are shocked still hasn't been added?
Highest ever festival pass completion rate otw
New festival feature
So since Fortnite added their first dead musician as a skin, We might have a chance to get them
Do you think this will mean we will get the shop version of Snoop Dogg later on and release songs from the album? Like they did will Billy
What happened to Damyell?
What Is One Thing This Game Could Have / Lack That Would Disappoint You?
Tuesday drop instantly sold out
Is it confirmed that Snoop Dogg will be the next FN festival icon??
Which GMM episodes did you feel were shot the same day?
Beautiful day in New Zealand for launch. Who needs a pick up from the airport?
Had GTA6 not returned to Vice City what city would you want to be featured?
What happened to the will it series?
whoever did this fast ass pattern on bass for Nightmare, i hate you so much. I CAN'T HIT IT.
Happy Birthday BULLY!!
New Jam Tracks coming this week
What's The Best Water Bottle?
The censoring on American Idiot 😭 (via @acai28 on TikTok)