Does it count?
Bought my first gas mask. Now to find a 40mm filter!
Do people like living in Louisiana?
"Why can't you give us 2 weeks" they cried
What instantly ruins a sandwich?
Said goodbye to my favourite rifle today 🥲
Spanish 1916 feeding issue
Found this no4mk1 at a gun show a while back
My new Steyr M.95M
Identifying this bayonet
What country is this? Only wrong answers
What country is this? Wrong answers only
If you could say 1 thing to caseoh what would it be?
Unfortunate things happen
Just wanted to throw it out there. If you guys wanna see a frt for the FAL, you better bombard DSA telling them to do it.
Any info on grandads pipe
Vet says it’s cancer.
Playing without the laser range-finder be like
What can you tell me about this gasmask?
Mail Call
I never visited the US. What states if any would you suggest I should visit based on my past travel destinations?
My thinking pipe
PSA: The TSA will throw away your snap caps
Fal issues