So did anyone else know he had a hyper coming up or just not me
Is just me?
When's meeple available in ranked anyone know? Its so fun to play
What do you lot take from looking at my mastery points?
This guy is 100% still S tier they got clapped
Supercell i dont want to face an 18k Bea
Supercell i dont wanna face an 18k Bea😭🙏🏼
WAIT its a good guy ITS A GOOD GUY
Please remove all mortis' from my games I had a 13 game win streak
Can we all collectively agree that we hate this
im trying this new strategy I saw on the bs world finals! the player who used it got 11 kills and 0 deaths!!!!
Pretty New to the Game, who should I upgrade next for ranked?
Am I accepted🙏🏼
Does anyone else get this glitch after u win or lose a trophy match and it will stay like this for like 10 seconds?? All the brawlers disappear from ur screen when match ends and ur screen freezes
Bro how do 50k trophies disappear imagine how many games he must have lost
Who do you think will be the best brawlers in these game modes?
Is that hypercharge deal good
The world needs more randoms like these
would anyone like to run ranked in legendary with me and my friend
hello everyone, what do i do to improve my account?
I just found this group so who you think I should upgrade next? (my p9 brawlers and above)
This rare?
I just need the freaking spatula man 😭
They do NOT wanna give me the pineapples
Average piper main