Selfie with a dead person
“You don’t have the cards right now.” Zelensky savagely: “I’m not playing cards”
How would they cover it up?
A cocaine Hippos what???
size one
Bill Burr calls out Elon Musk for flagging his account, despite not using twitter.
I wrote "minimum".
His wife is “young and supple”
Why is fxe3 a draw but f3 is winning?
Challenges with Online Dating in Bangalore
The mods are really toxic in this sub
A series of events
I'm posting this just so when you download it it will have 3 watermarks
No way is this real?
You can’t unsee this
That tiny blue dot is Earth. Photo taken by spacecraft Cassini as it drifted near Saturn.
Baby elephant was in such deep sleep that the mother called over the zookeepers to make sure he was alive.
The funny bone is pretty humerus.
This is how orange cats maintain their orange colour.
Public hanging!
Which is the movie that brings back nostalgia for you?
We are the b**b class!
Deepseek’s snarky answer to Reddit
In Harry Potter to make sure their accents were accurate, the child actors in the movie were forced to grow up in England.