Anon got away with it
Tried Aegis Gale for the first time today. Not sure I can even go back to normal Balefire.
Warframe 800k Milestone Giveaway!
So my girlfriend started playing warframe
Who Else hates Corrupted Holokeys?
And with that, I got all Kuva weapons!!
Digital Extremes finally added literal Hell
When you missclick and drop into a PT fight
Why there are people afraid of AI?
I wanted to look up all words but now I like to imagine that there are void tongue twisters in the WF-verse
It's me, I promise
How fast should level up mr?
I just got these 2 Dual Toxocyst riven but i not sure which is better and which to sell?
How on earth did I end up with -2 drain?
Helminth, Am I Screwed?
What frame for should I use
Finally hit my first negative integer.
I can already hear my PC quietly sobbing
Fun facts about Steve
Is Chroma worth upgrading?
Possible Test/Info page for voters before voting?
Over half a million kuva later and I'm finally ready for next week.
why does it cost 10M to move a time-freezing camera around in my own orbiter
ATM10 Is it fine to start a save now, or is it better to wait a bit more?
Can we as a community/DE establish some form of "ready to go" system for the circuit. If not then change the entering Duviri timer to begin only once all 4 players have entered?