First Gun Build!
First ever gun build!
P365XL Frame mag release fit in Icarus Precision Air Polymer frame?
E earphones Akihibaraha is paradise and so are the Origins.
Reminder: Varlamore pickers should do as much skilling in Varlamore as possible
Wildy or Tirranwn 3rd region
"Firenet" or SVIs on core/distro
Pandas & Numpy?
Am I underpaid?
People with 4-6am online meetings, what Internet do you use?
Spice Wars [OC]
Play lshanks like a rat
What was the lowest skill Sysadmin you ever worked with like?
We’re giving away this brand new Onewheel GT S-Series Rally Edition ($4,000 value)! 😳 Enter to win in comments.
Thinclient + NAS?
Livestreamers in Las Vegas harass a random couple and pull a gun.
I heard Nex is best gp/hr?
Anyone taken the test based solely on Neil Anderson?
ChargeScape Discussion: Here our thoughts - we want your input
Ah, it's you noobslayer6. You've been slacking in your studies, so it's time for an exam.
Setting up from scratch in a new office.
The klipsch RP1400 sale for 699.00 is on again.
Dare to be different in a world full of 🐱s. Don't feel pressured to conform to the BS and be a meta-dependent scrub.