Dhruv commented on the latest video of SlayyPoint
Toxic workplace
Should I join a company rated 2.4 in ambition box when I dont have a job and no offer in hand?
Seeking advice.. really struggling a lot
Client proposed a deal to me secretly ,please help me decide what to do .
I can see myself slowly drowning into the infamous Indian pattern of going into financial burden forever.
Helping with LeetCode Premium Questions
Should I gift my mom a dishwasher worth 50k
What does moon in 8th house indicate in my lagna kundli?
Moon in 8th house is worst placement. Do you agree with me?
Finding it difficult to get a job with 1 year of gap and 10 years of experience
Feeling overwhelmed and stressed with current job market
I think I just ruined my chances of getting hired by wearing a kurti in interview
Have been blocked
My TL / SM directly threatened me that she will tell management that this person does not wanna join daily-scrum, even though I never said that
Keeping a calm mind in Indian companies and complex projects
Need advice on how to switch domains from full stack dev.
Feel like a failure! Need genuine advice on how should I pivot my career
What are the chances of getting good job this year? I have been jobless for an year. Last year was really bad health wise and many problems in marriage also. I was constantly in doubt due to bad health. Looking for a job desperately.
My case of PIP, anxity and constant fear of losing job
How to stand out from the crowd while learning MERN stack
I have resigned from my company but company is not issuing resignation acceptance proof
How do you usually introduce yourself, and what questions do you typically ask when the interviewer says, "Is there anything you want to ask me?"
Am i the kameena for making my sister and her husband leave my house ?
I need advices regarding my career, any insights will be highly appreciated