Any ideas on what to do with this awkward space between the fridge and cabinets?
Nightly BPM spikes
When you say went to Afib do you mean heart palpation only or what symptoms
Apple Watch ecg
HELP! I removed my graphics card without knowing what I was doing. What’s this part called it was plugged into? It’s not supposed to be bent like this is it?
Took these off when switching to Winter tires, how cooked are they?
Quick question about an AFib episode
What happened to me?
Note left on door
Second time AFIB have-r here. 37/m
Stomach flu?
Los Angeles CA Kia Forum Door and Show Times?
Newhall ruins
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Get ready for streamers to complain about the balance, streaming is starting!
any good bars or nightlife recommendations here?
Where can I find a new one of these for my mini?
LC500 with intentional rust wrap
The fps genre feels like it’s missing something.
Triad question
I accidentally put a hot kettle on the linoleum while trying to get off my pet of my food in a rented apartment. Am I dead?
Bought a used computer
Rustafied sums up current situation with E A C in Rust.
Was quoted $500 to put this back in place, how many would I reattach myself?