What Damage could the tail do that a gun couldn't?
what song has you like this?
Plot twist
Now that i have downloaded the game from AnkerGames site what do i do now? How do i play it?
Im new to Pirating. So now that i downloaded the games file from AnkerGames website what do i do now?
Action scene from an Indian movie
Fav weapon to use?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
I have been having this mic issues for days now. It has only worked on day 1 and never again.
I give up. I don’t know how anyone beats this guy. Phase 2 is damn near impossible.
How did you beat this mf
My head hurts with this guy
What shall I name my baby based on his scan
How I should be the winner? FYI I don't know if my opponent is a bot
How is this a Draw?. FYI I don't know if I'm against a bot
Who do you think will be Kratos's next love interrest?
So it was Puck all along (Berserk Spoiler)
Finally Got IT
If you were in berserk and had a Behelit and used it. What do you think your form would look like?
After the sentencing of the first just stop oil activists that tossed soup on this painting, 3 more went back and tossed soup on the Van Gogh painting "Sunflowers"
What's the most romantic thing a lover said to you and then later they break your heart?
Is this Website Safe to use? As this is my first time pirating games
Is this Website Safe?
Oh wise redditors who 'ave mastered Piracy please help dis young fool who doesn't know how t' pirate games.