Gay heterosexual guys
A $600 T-shirt from Loewe
Whos your guys most and least favorite characters?
So, about the Nuka-World raiders..
Challenge Run by Democracy Day 3: Faction
Am I slow or the Children of Atom beliefs don't make sense beyond the usual talking points
Alright folks,do you think scp 343 is actually god or just a delusional reality warper?art by SCP BITESIZE
We'll compare the results from r/Teenagersbutevil
FNV X Dungeon Meshi Bug Burgers (by Killb94)
Heroic characters who brutally murder their enemies.
No super-people in Gotham
Villains unmasking a hero, only to be unhappy with the result
How am I not dead💀 is it a glitch?
How tf are caps backed by water?
Chat how tf does one fight? 😭😭
I hate slots so much.
I know everybody likes to hate on Shaun, but the Nora Institute ending and her commentary in the outro video is fucking heart-wrenching
What is this massive bright spot on the Earth in Mothership Zeta
Waaa waaa
Guys, I think Red Skull might be a little xenophobic
TIL you can have over 10k saves on this game.
Who in squid game?
Kirby just swallowed you,what ability did he get?