Is this her no-makeup face?
She's writing her captions based on our comments now 🤣
She’s on live again … without showing her face ofc
Is this how high value women speak?
Idk why but this made me laugh
Y'all...what is this🤣 She is addressing rumors coming from Reddit
Someone take the spider lashes and caterpillar soap brows away from this girl…
What in the photoshop is this?!
Books about Syrian civil war
Why does she keep interacting with him?? That's a new low
She cannot date a chilled out, laid back guy 🤡
Newest update
Her ex? Ex what?
“Update: Connor”
Posting it here before she deletes
Weight loss journey
Difficulty of Netherlands Universities
Y’all she is not trying to hide it anymore 💀💀💀 she really is all up in this snark page.
Best website to find a student room in the Netherlands? I know it’s difficult but there must be a way
I’m starting University in the Netherlands in September 2023 - I need to find accomodation/housing - does anyone know any good sites and how likely is it that I will find housing before my studies begin?
Alternatives to
Finding a room for next year
Hell friends, today we are doing as FREE astrology reading to find your life path, soul urge and destiny. Who would like one? Comment ME down below.