Got bronchitis after influenza A and B
What’s your favorite fruit?
Sensitive to cold temperatures
Can menstrual disc take your virginity?
How many cups do you have??
What cups are good for high cervix?
My mom thinks my legs will be amputated.
Is there a way not to bite your tongue during a seizure?
What would happen if I sprayed pepper spray inside my mouth?
Is being a EEG tech stressful and difficult?
What meds are you taking for epilepsy?
It is okay to call your parent-in-laws Mom and Dad?
What is one country you want to visit?
I accidentally drop a knife between the stove and the wall.
Today my sister went to school with covid.
My sister thinks she is fine to go to school.
What does a 31 year old man like for Christmas?
What is the meaning of life?
Has anyone try to do something over and over to remember but it doesn’t work?
Scared of driving alone
Can you lose your menstrual cup in your body?
Can Lamotrigine really cause gingivitis?
Who’s going to watch the Macy’s parade on Thanksgiving morning ?
What bank is better Citizen Bank or Navigate credit union?
Is there food in heaven?