I love using jump attacks in neutral, wish u could do them while flying
I think I’m the only one in ranked that uses the Universe 2 warriors 😂
Change of opinion
I get it, people like these characters.. But why just spam Skills and Ultimates then run when I get close?
First time encountering one of these "kind" of players, and it wasn't fun at all
Beast goha is ruining the fucking game
Why do people play like this?
I get it, you gotta keep up at higher ranks. But it's really not fun to watch anymore
I got accepted into nursing school!
How do some of yall hit z rank without op characters?
It doesn’t matter who you got to Z rank with
This sub be like "finally made it"
You guys take this game too serious
Adding some diversity to Rank
Reflecting back on my road to Z; here's actual footage of me using Future Gohan to get to S5
B rank had better fighters
Do you prefer transforming in battle or just beginning the match in a transformed state?
this team is absolutely unstoppable, i went from B4 to S5 in about 6 days
Who do yall main?
I swear to yall. If I meet another air punch spamming MUI Goku...
A Story with pics
Literally my first time fighting an Uub
I think I understand why no one plays this game anymore
I didn't think this was even possible but I did it