Are the crons bullshit
WIP Repulsor Executioner.
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
What are yall hoping for in the codex when it comes out?
what he gets for attacking a woman in public
A retired police officer fatally shot his wife, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and then called 911 to report his actions, stating, "I have provided my wife with a merciful ending to her suffering." Moments later, he took his own life.
The Lord of Skulls has decided your fate
eli5: How do people die from broken bones?
Newest additions, ready to die first on Sunday!
So we buying chaos daemons combat patrol now?
Big disappoint
Variant use
Hive Fleet Boreas
If I buy WH+, and I make extra lists on the app, do I loose them if I cancel subscription?
Should I paint my C'tan before building it?
Termagant painting is breaking my spirit and my back
Need help with ghost ark dimensions
Is calgar better helmeted or bare headed
For new people, do not go in a GW store !!
I’ve been ignoring my infernos squads for too long. Got this guy done this morning!
How many armies do you have?
Former CEO of MoviePass’ parent company faces up to 25 years in prison
Sorcerous Land Raider should generate at least 1 Cabal Point with this much bling
The spruekust lord rises!