Haven't seen anybody talk about it, ,but this is one of the best looking shots in the whole show.
Interracial dating. How do you feel about it?
I've got a question. When the world went to shit Clem was 8 and Violet was 11. Wouldn't that mean everyone who chose a romance with Violet chose a romance between a kid and an adult?
Why did Siren Penelope think Ody had a daughter? Is she stupid?
Characters by Derpexion
What are your thoughts on the “If you don’t see the body, then they aren’t dead” belief?
No pain, no gain
Man, Mark gets victim blamed A LOT.
What is your biggest crush among all the Fallout games and why?
instead of Christa and Omid taking care of Clementine, what if Carley was her caretaker after Lee? how would Clementine be different from how she is originally?
Female adventurers against goblins
People are jumping the gun on Korra right now
Seriously, anyone hating on Korra right now are jumping the gun
A villain who makes a good argument or has sound reasoning, but is nevertheless still an antagonist
About Sinclair and Darkwing
So Negan is a rapist… right?
Slash $18B
Carlos was wrong to delete/ throw away all of Gaby’s photos of Grace.
Why do Ben and Johnny always start beef with Spidey?
White House sparks backlash for posting dehumanizing 'ASMR' deportation video
Man, I really hope we, at the very least, get this joke in an episode
It should take mark for Issac to understand
Sounds like Korra did an oopsie
what are the chances
Look how they massacred my boy