Which of these two will be more fun to play?
Not that his title is bad, just an idea. thoughts?
just make it throwable supercell
uhh… I didn’t actually get the hyper but thought the bug looked funny
What’s wrong with her shoulders
What are you guys muted words?
Chester is hypercharged in the new challenge [VISUAL BUG]
The brawlers who's HC are not available yet are hypercharged in a challenge
Chuck Hypercharge concept (made by me)
Meeple Losing to Chester. Enjoy!
How is he supposed to be underage
Chester Plays uno. Do you think he'll win ?
Take a random csreenshot while chester I playing his animation. I go first
I don’t think surge wanted to play with us lol
How would i feel about each brawler living with me
Why the design of Mandy's and Chester's hypercharges suck and how I would rework it
This is chester
Give me y'all brawlers headcanons and I'll put em in a tierlists (I don't know the limit)
My fellow gamble addicted brothers…
Who is the fastest Brawler? (Maximum movement Speed Tierlist)
I asked chatpt to create new mastery titles for brawlers but it decided to roast them while at it..
my movement button got stuck
What’s the best hyper I have so I could get
My opinion on next month meta (based on the balance changes, the Gadget rework and the first batch of new Hypercharge)
this bot got the hypercharge before us