29 M I love Sally Rooney
How to dismemtle a shed to fit in a SUV
I did this with a bike pedal in my rental house. Is this an easy fix? Thanks in advance.
Name this country. The top-voted comment wins this round.
£4700 WC from start to finish. Did I spend too much? Well, it had lots of issues
I know its a crimp
What’s the difference between these 3 eevees?
How do I ?
These new Illustration Rare's are amazing.
Lmao wtf is going on between Sean and his Coach 💀💀🤣🤣
What's some stupid shit you did before you figured out how the game properly worked?
Pulled this — worth anything?
Without Googling, reply with a place in the UK that has ‘ham’ in the name
A word to new investors