"This has to be worst place in Skyrim to run a mill. How am I supposed to do anything with all those bears running around?"
Finally got a near god split on iron man.
Unauthorized adjustment to contract
Sanctum Portal Pull or Unowned Card?
"What variant did you get today"
If you just had 6000 tokens
A Message From Firaxis Games
Who is your favorite artist?
Arishem deck ideas?
Is Zabu worth it?
The only time I'd spend 4keys with a smile , 4 new cards.
Any good decks for him CL 5k
is this a new way for surprise galactus on t3?
Anyone know how long it takes after the final interview to find out if you got the job?
Is Arishem worth? CL 6,837
1st time hitting infinite! CL12,583
I have 9 of these, any suggestions?
No Surtur? Try this war Ares deck instead! CL20,000. Feel free to suggest improvements, I am just trying this out as a f2p!
What’s a card that’s not highly rated but you never regret getting?
Broke the fibre cable anything I can do?
Hub 5x and connected ASUS Router, not modem mode related (I think)
partner cancelled package, im joining as new customer for deal, how to not be without internet inbetween?
Hulking's text should read "At the start of the game *or if created*, copy the text of a random 6-Cost card.
A Guide to Pure Move