How flexible are your days on/off as a new trucker?
Internationals suck
Local Punk Scene?
Marten transport
Terminated for turning left at yellow arrow?
Oil cooler leaking… again
Two for one
What door? - Ocean
PFJ on the scam again.
Which one is it y'all?
😆The everyday struggle of a trucker😂😂
No overnight parking
Who is your Favourite Xennial Standup Comedian?
The purple butt monster has arrived. This thing Is much larger than anticipated.
HOS violations
Y'all be careful out there and go home to you families.
Non lethal option for law enforcement
Flatbed Anxiety
To the bobtails parking in the tractor-trailer parking.
Thoughts on getting ducked with this guy?
Out of Service
Peterbilt 536
New Orleans Attorneys Suspended Over Staged Crash Fraud Scheme
A neighbor recorded my tree getting struck by lightning (bonus moth)