Discussion Thread
Trump administration wants ‘regime change’ in the UK as Starmer replaces Trudeau as hate figure
Ne smemo im ovo dozvoliti!
Novi snimak vozila za prevoz pacijenata (NS 736-TS) kako gazi Donu i istraga zločina. Snimak je namerno isečen kako ne bi bio NSFW.
Puni snimak kako lazna abulantna kola gaze psa, kucku, na protestima u Beogradu. Tesko za gledanje. Ali i bitno uoci ovih protesta veceras. Iste su linije podjele. Ljudske i neke druge.
/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 1066, Part 1 (Thread #1213)
What does your countries family photo look like?
MMW: Joe Biden won’t step down as the democrat presidential nominee for 2024 and will run for a second term
Predsednik opštine Kovačica dame i gospodo
Nepomenik je Donu nazvao "nekim kučetom" i rekao da je "izmišljeno da je zgaženo".
European Trump fans confuse me.
Danas smo izgubili divnu dušu
/r/Serbia sveopšta diskusija (random discussion) - Jan 25, 2025
German opposition leader Merz says Ukraine must win and regain all its territory
Reaching For Greenland
The face of a true leader!
Donald Trump in fiery call with Denmark’s prime minister over Greenland
MMW: Gavin Newsom will win the 2028 elections by a landslide and be the 48th president of the United States of America
/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 1065, Part 1 (Thread #1212)
Prisjetimo se: Predloženi plan Z4 za mir, 1995. godina:
Fun With Numbers: Predicting Pennsylvania turnout Based on Current Data
300+ Indie Games!
Nacionalistički influenser Đorđije Andrić ''Žorž'' iz Dnevnjaka eksponiran kao pedofil
How is Libs of TikTok basically allowed to exist on social media as a platform for stochastic terrorism?