Thinking about playing a cleric in my next campaign…
Ways to cast two cantrips and one turn…
DM here, I feel like shit. Does anyone have any tips on remembering rules/spells/class features?
Best Dmg Build for a Spear Wielding Character? (2014)
Can I see your fun melee Cleric ideas?
Illusionist’s Bracers??
Did i mess up picking Drow?
I want to make the WHIP useful
Eldritch Knight / Bladesinger multiclass
Hb Rule: Improving Pushes
How would you build this character. A Celestial Assassin
What's the worst / most terrifying thing to hear just before "Roll initiative"?
Fighter with Battleaxe, Shield & Shield Master Feat
Vengeful blade advice
Sooooo lame. Man this was boring lol
Help me with some ideas for a polearm melee warlock using the relentless hex evocation
Any 5e class/system with blood powers? (Not bloodhunter)
Based on actual play - what are your top-3 likes and dislikes of the 2024 version?
Factcheck my Halfling Warlock Creature Cannon?
What’s the most FUN melee full-classed gish— Hexblade Warlock, Bladesinger Wizard, Swords Bard, Spores Druid or War Cleric?
Trying to add PB to Init
Illriggers… who’s played one from the new MCDM sourcebook?
Just joined a Gestalt campaign. Looking for a flavorful build that takes full advantage of Gestalt
Why would you ever use Tavern Braweler's Improvised Weapon Proficiency?
Which is the more powerful spellcaster, Wizard or Sorcerer?