My thoughts on day trading
Over the last month I’ve lose 1500$
House arrest in Philly
I (42m) haven't had a girlfriend since highschool.
What did you all expect to happen when you elected Trump?
PA Received a check in my deceased mother's name, how do I deposit it?
Me smoking a cigarette at a Jewish is weird
How successful of a day trader can you be by only knowing how to read candlesticks?
Chinese team finds coronavirus that could infect humans via same route as COVID-19
24, haven't lost my virginity. Should I do it with a prostitute?
Is this NAC safe to take? Expires in 2028 but has weird spots on it
Can you get off early on house arrest? I’m in Pa
Watching porn on the train (Philly)
Nazi's in Boston
Today In Lower Manhattan
Whats your plan after making a ton of money off trading?
Introducing NEO Gamma
Steve Bannon’s N*zi Salute
WEST beats the world record for plasma duration - 1337 seconds
If we're going to primary Fetterman, who would you replace him with?
I know imma get a lot of "I hurt my back watching this" but here goes ...The Zercher deadlift 100kg(225lbs)X2 @69kg (32y)
Disclosure™ is not a process (like many UFO ecelebs would like you to believe) it's an event.
Pennsylvania man denied $57,000 casino jackpot | State Police say the 46-year-old had “self-excluded himself for life” from playing casino games in Pennsylvania.
TIFU: MY husband thinks I'm possessed.