People named james.
Any ideas for discworld related yearbook quotes?
Im looking to get some comics for these characters
i need help finding a contestant i saw compete
Jeff Bezos announces ‘significant shift’ coming to the Washington Post. A key editor is leaving because of it
Everyone Knows Oliver is Green Arrow
Question about the thing.
Adjuster won’t pay for diagnostic, is this normal
What game?
i don't get it??
(Superman/Batman #6) This panel really bothers me
Books about crafters and/or merchants in fantasy?
to the GenX kids that had barely there parents...
80's Music
Scratch and Dented Appliances
Superman Unlimited #1 (Variant Cover by Frank Quitely)
[TOMT][MOVIE][70s/80s] A movie about a weird race that included spaghetti eating
Thoughts on the rocks being a shell for something super powerful?
Oh my
Where would this be now that La Paz is closed?
Tell me your favourite fantasy novel released at least 30 years ago and convince me to read it with one sentence.
Now that you know what critical thinking is, it’s time to learn how to do it…
[TOMT] Song Bad Habit Full Band
[TOMT][MOVIE][70s-80s][Sci Fi] A movie possibly set in a space station where someone possibly dies in space/airlock.
S5 E33: Did he even forge?