Suggest Stephen King book to start with!
There’s no safe space for women in India
Tom Scavo is an extremely crappy husband
If you had to name your pet after the last thing you ate, what would it be?
February haul
Never go for a support role, no matter how desperate you are.
Tom Scavo sucks but this was actually disgusting
AITA for calling off the engagement after my fiance kept saying I will "give him a baby" once we're married?
What made you realize they were just like the others?
AITA for keeping my vibrator?
AITA for rejecting my current company's counter offer
AITA for yelling at my friends and leaving dinner after they all made fun of me and gave me a gay intervention?
Why don’t you want kids?
am i the only one who finds this really weird…
Many Problems...One Solution
Tom is a total DILF
The Hottest Husband on the Lane
I hate Andrew
I’ll name it “you’re not good enough if it’s a boy and you’ll always disappoint me if it’s a girl”
Books that we can all agree are all hype and no substance.
If there is no arrange marriage concept, then 50% of boys and 50% of girls will not able to find their partner.
Can someone help me find these boots
Recruiter is not responding after telling me she will send me the offer letter within 4-5 working days.
Review my resume