Guys I ate 27 dates
dae ed completely ruined their hair?
salty vs. sweet
What’s y’all’s safe foods at parties?
What's the longest you've been in a plateau and how much weight did you loose after it was over?
Curious what others drink to get them through a longer fast?
what does your life look like with an ED in your 30s and 40s?
Best ways to deal with feeling faint?
Don't get a job that requires you to think!!!!!
Extreme hunger
What's the saddest thing your ED has brought you to?
The time someone thought I was pregnant 😭
What’s the rudest thing someone has said or asked you in front of others?
Has anyone else been triggered by the sheer number of people losing weight on Ozempic and other similar drugs? note: I am referring to those using it for weight loss and not for serious medical conditions
Have you guys ever told someone you have an eating disorder?
How do you guys keep your fingers/toes warm or at least hide the cyanosis?
Ridiculous amount of clothes?
Can you buy pre-made electrolytes? What brands do you like?
I need a sniper to shoot my ass anytime I start walking up to a grocery store atp
Fasting for pain management
Does anyone else try avoid social situations?
Anyone find a good appetite suppressant that works?
How do u know you’re full and satisfied?
Top Twists from Aldi
What would women dislike most if they became men?