[KCD1] How do I level up from being a village lad?
DAY 0 : Which anime character had no reasons to be villain and remained a hero?
As Mannfred, why I can't vassalize Volkmar??
This soap bar I have is made in North Korea
Guess where I'm from
Who actually is your favorite black anime character?
Isekai 101
Cut-off fortune cookie
MC Doesn't Know The Rules In Isekai World
Why am i not being reinforced?
What do you think is the most iconic anime quote?
What anime is this?
My most Pyrrhic Pyrrhic victory so far. At least I got the guy, I guess..
Why is Red Ranger rated so low on Crunchyroll?
The Red Ranger Isekai is the Least Generic Isekai I've Watched in a While
Top comment removes a state. Day 2
Who is the best cook in anime?
Clam Angrund
can blood host armies get minotaurs?
Yall are so lucky man 😭
Guess there's no noise ordiances on South Loop? 😂
Dwarfs vs Orks!
Who’s the hottest guy in anime to you?
Which one will happen first hunter x hunter manga ends or the one piece manga ends
Whats Next For Total War Warhammer?
Which anime has the best English dub? Which has the worst?