Looking for the original videos for these. They are obviously not saluting, but it would be nice to have the videos for context so people stop saying they are all akin to the recent elon controversy.
Does anyone know any cool punisher techs or spots?
What cool punisher techs do you know?
How the fuck are you all so strong?
Friendly reminder that this is the release version of the classic mode. Classic Overwatch as it stands right now does not have any of the polish and fine tuning that the game has grown to have to keep up with current standards.
Limit 2 live, November 6 to November 8 taking over the Open Queue Quick Play slot
ETA on the android version?
Loss tuah
May God have mercy on my soul
Juno: Omnic (derogatory) [@Rl0welr]
Clash feels bad...
Losing clash feels really bad...
TIL in 2021, a single deli in New Jersey that was publicly traded managed to achieve a market capitalization of over $100 million despite doing only $35,000 in sales across two years. The deli's largest shareholder was the wrestling coach of the high school next door.
Corn was right
If every character had to be changed from one class to another (tank -> DPS -> support) where would you put each character?
Good scary horror
Does anyone know what frame is on the left [Ember]
Does anyone know what frame is on the left?
What would be the implications and uses of perfectly elastic and inelastic materials?
Rentals to host a 30-40 person get together?
Is there any place to just read the lore?
ULPT request: State farm drive safe and save bypass