Why firing atmospheric scientists is a mediocre move…
Modern Era AI
Is The Weather Channel premium worth it from the app? Is there a better, similarly priced alternative as an amateur meteorologist?
Reno high winds
Is cultural victory trivial?
I’m always quick to judge winters- this one is the mildest and non-existent ever….
charging $500 to view cybertruck on Facebook marketplace
OP Memento?
SSP3-7 and precipitation
Considering a move to Ashland
Slight rant - Disappointed and bored at the end of the day.
US Annual Average Snowfall Maps
Is there any reason not to follow all the legacy paths?
MinMaxing the Transition
Specialist bugging or..?
WILDLY unbalanced
Not a good launch so far (Steam at 47% positive)
Exploration Age Majapahit is busted
What’s up with the rent situation in town?!
NOAA Databases
Apple weather predictions
Why can't my builder harvest this tile?
127 inches of snow in California?
I’m so cooked
NOAA Database