Amazing, accurate, and helpful DNA replication diagram! Going to use this to study!
Someone please motivate me to keep going (wrong answers only)
Coachella outfits! Who do you think these are?
Browned fish with pepper on oily paper towel! YUM!!
240206 Coachella outfit drawing (can you guess who these are?)
Coachella Outfits (with artistic changes): can you guess which ones these are?
If you were rich, what are 3 ridiculously outlandish things you'd want to own?
TIFU by underestimating a crab during a Chinese New Year dinner—ended up bleeding, angry, and plotting a sweet delicious revenge...
TIFU by underestimating a crab during Chinese New Year dinner—ended up bleeding, humiliated, and plotting revenge
What's the funnest minimum wage job you've had
What’s a random “life hack” you swear by, even if no one believes it works?
What’s a life hack so good you almost don’t want to share it?
Ladies, what is your butt vs boobs equivalent with men?
What’s an NSFW confession you’ve been dying to share anonymously?
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
I hate the gym
From less than 3k daily steps to over 5k consistently (sometimes up to 8k)
You can evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna tonight
🗃️ Let's build an FAQ
Don't know if I should be proud or shamed for not reaching level 41 yet...
Does anyone else feel like they aren't actually bipolar
I told my dad I needed a TV stand... 3 days later lmao
Messed up literally the first thing about this year's journal. My friend said, "Just add a +1" and I loved it!
Why do women offer advice on here?