Noticed some parallels while sleep deprived.
Why is Flux Capacitor a thing
Does this episode make any sense to the pre-established Vulcan Lore?
Would Vulcans like Earth a lot less without so many monasteries, monks and temples?
Pour One Out for my Boy Lt Primmin
I'm bored
Subcommander T'pol, how come she never drives the submarine, is she stupid?
Wang tring to so a bitter grizzled Kim in in timeless is clearly beyond his range and as cringey as his paulie walnuts hair
2001 internet forums around the time that Enterprise was coming out?
Dear Borg redditors:
Anyone else rather enjoy these genius fools?
Crossposting out of Curiousity: Do TOS Only/Mostly Fans like TMP?
Did we miss or did we lose by not keeping this line from the fan translation?
Ranking every TOS episode as a first time viewer. Season 1 was by far my favourite one! Not ranked within the tiers.
Racist Klavier.
The Ace Attorney Fandom and Misogyny
Come on bro, starting the day like this
How Disco Elysium characters would react to you coming out as gay
Honestly Harry and Kim's dynamic is like Kirk and Spock turned up to 50
How cool would it be to have Stephen King as a survivor?
(Day 1) What is the best Captain Picard episode in TNG?
By FAR the most underrated cast member of all time….
Am I just screwed if I have mold growing in the generator room?
Oh boy, such cool minor characters that are now on Voyager with potential of having arcs! Can't wait to see them again!
What the hell happened to Sarah Sherman?