The first ever Isekai
Looking for a manhwa where the reincarnated MC is male. Any good recommendations? similar to "How to Live as a Tyrant’s Bastard Brother"
The Strongest
It all makes sense now
Just below the surface
Attack of the Flying Cabbage (By @cesar_art456)
Microsoft won’t let me install chrome, anyone know why?
What Manwha has the best art?
[Recommendations] need new stuff to read
Violin song used for edits with a man singing somberly
I read the translations of some other countries when they translated the relationship between Lancelot and Bibian, then I saw the Vietnamese translation, they wrote that Lancelot was Bibian's younger brother, it seems reasonable?
What game? (Wrong answers only)
플레이어 매드무비 - CLASS_플레이어
This guy singlehandedly destroy the MC and almost everyone during the apocalypse, and the only being capable of stopping him are Dean or Nagi, and that's right after losing half of his power, my guy is a powerhouse
Heo Seol-Jin, Libur & Lillet
Best community
Hello I wanted to ask what is freckle wearing in this art?
Follo's Hammer
Kina Lillet Figure
Please let me be right