If Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse had a sequel ( By DecaTilde)
What if the Umbrella Corporation had not been killed off?
Which animal characters should have become permanent?
Which characters should not have been killed off?
Do you think william afton should stay dead, and Vanny should be the next villain?
What would've happen to Brian in this scene?
Which Resident evil characters & villains should have become permanent or should not have been killed off?
Which female Sith & non-force user should've become the main villain throughout Star Wars?
Which Star Wars villains should've won?
Which characters should have become permanent or should not have been killed off?
Which Family Guy characters should have become permanent or should not have been killed off?
Which South Park characters should have become permanent or should not have been killed off?
What if Albert Wesker is the leader of the Umbrella corporation?
What if Vanny is Pure Evil & not a puppet & the next villain throughout the franchise
Which one of these characters would make great villains for the movies?
What if The New Brian becomes a permanent character
Well Rupert seems to like my humping
What if Vinny becomes a permanent character
How you would've written Vanny in SB?