Thoughts on Javier's Bisexualiy?
You get to be the avatar! But you need to choose 1 element that you can't bend forever
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 11
Airbending Sub-bending Style Suggestions?
Happy International Women’s Day! Avatar Women Rise Up!
What the fuck is my lil bro watching
Besides it being on the Wii U, why is super smash bros U never talked about?
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 10
Mako is the people's hated pick! Next is morally grey who's hated by the fans.
Why are the comics so despised?
What was the most emotionally impactful scene for you? For me, it was this 👇🏻
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 9
What does the ideal Avatar Video Game look like for you?
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 8
Does the scowl came with the job title?
What tags/tropes are you still NOT willing to give a chance
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 7
Growing up is realizing how toxic Plankton and Karen’s relationship is
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 6
Can we all agree.. that Kirby is friends with every single fighter in smash?
How the original Gaang sees Katara
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 5
Which character made you fall in love with the franchise?
What're they reacting to? Wrong answers only
How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 4