egg 🏳️🌈 irl
Many such cases
"She's just a friend" is such bs
Every time someone reports “this is just porn” I’m gonna post more porn
Prettiest girl in the psych ward <3
Thighs as earmuffs >>>
And just when I thought I was getting better. Why must I have a body.
Why is the door locked?!
Anonette loves her sweet nothings :)
Love me Love me
I've started to do minecraft building whenever I feel depressed. Here's some of my fav builds :3
I wanna ruin our friendship <3
Wish hed just let me bounce on it already 🙄
Which Combo to Choose?
Why cant I forgive myself for the smallest mistakes
S1mple sponsor caseneis question?
Me talking to him...
I really hate myself
I can't leave him alone
me because I'm acting like the person who ruined me
This is a new one