Who says bedrock isn’t fun?
what do i do to fix this?
What's your favourite insult?
What’s your comfort show?
what are you tired of people saying to you?
If you were to eat only one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
why are all og/rare accounts on java emo?
this settles the whole debate on whether or not Chickens were wall-eyed like sheep and pigs.
New wool colour?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
How old are you and do you tend to keep your phone on silent? Why yes or no?
What should I build on this island?
What part of your body hurts right now?
What block would be the tastiest if it was real?
aight who made this lmao
What non-sex related thing brings you pleasure?
Jumping without legs
Birthday present my sister painted me
My friends didn't like it :(
I took some nice perfectly normal screenshots.
Keep the texture pack?
What’s your favorite word in the English language?