The new cherub’s bringing us to flavor town
Can anyone explain why hitoiki considered good
Haven't seen anybody talk about it, ,but this is one of the best looking shots in the whole show.
Who do you think the new heros gonna be?
Crossbow dude probably pissed
Calling It right now: next Hero Is a duelist (meaning rapier)
Your average viltrumite physique
Silhouette teased for the first Year 9 hero
I think he needs to lay off for honor a bit (a lot of swearing)
New moves for old heroes, what would you prefer?
"The Sequel was bad so here's the real sequel" Ends up being as bad or even worse than the attempted sequel
Is it just me guys? For me Lies Of P is a lot harder than Sekiro, like not even close. The parrys are a lot harder and dodging is an actual thing. Its combat is like mix of sekiro and dark souls
no honor
Wow! So subzero (Kuai Liang and Bi Han) are both tier 100 and 87 skins
Are these symbols supposed to be Crux Terminatus?
A villain who loses and drops the hardest line imaginable, making the mc question themselves.
Did I just dodge the nail bomb?
I just realized Liberator ending has the funniest loose end
(Loved Trope) Character that you dislike on first impression, but ends up being a favorite
The fall of Nippon
Aeldari Aspect Warrior Showcase – Painted by the Warhammer Community team and friends
I think we just saw Battlefield 7?
Superpowers used for mild conveniences
Biggest disappointment in the game
Why do people jokingly hate France online?