Got this text just now... RIP
My dream QOL update
POH update is great, but where is the rest of it?
[The Athletic] The going rate for a starting-caliber starting quarterback "is about $900,000. Your better ones, top five or six in the conference, will be about $1.3 to $1.4 million range."
February 26th was not for the weak
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes appreciation thread
Our entire universe squeezed into one image
Jagex has turned into a content rushing factory - and it’s bad
I miss College Football games
Salute to an icon from 2007 that outlasted the GameStop it was installed into. Ames Iowa.
This subreddit in a nutshell
Forgot I drove to the pharmacy and walked home. Realized 10 feet from my house
Let me introduce to you, all the currencies in PUBG
Skill cape perks need revisiting
Jagex you have shown us you have the ability to add new teles to the nexus, so why can't you add these?
16 Years as a Graphic designer, 8 years as a Photographer, ruined by AI
Tremors 1990 ‧ Someone actually found the spot
I wish every park had first aid and cash machine :/
I remembered to speak to Oziach and got the best pet
possible to fly to another star system?
What posts would you ban from this subreddit?
When you’re “close” to maxing but it’s still over 100 hours away. This is a funny game.
this is probably 1 of the most common memes ive ever seen but i still don't know what's the difficult part