Vandalism overnight at a local park.
Do yall watch anime?
Since you want to be called something you biologically aren't, I name you Transidonia
U mfs havent tried rill coke
Footage of an actual Monkeydonian mimicking human speech
Footage of an actual chimp mimicking human speech
Finish this sentence:
Say your favourite video game but replace one word with rizz
Tell me your name but replace the last 4 words with feet
Just found this tower, what should I name him
Why can't you sell these. Mist echoes and enchanted dust .
Screw those fake pregnacy test posts,which type of axolotl is your favorite
Kirby just swallowed you,what ability did he get?
Least Croatian Mačak
What a cute kitty ❤️
Strongest serbian alive?
A typical day in Romania
This subversive onion I cut.
What is it now?
question for boys
This is my phone backround. What is your phone backround? I'll rate it from 1-10
ni hao ma? (greet me in ur language)
Goat Balls/Balls Simulator
Enough with the serious questions, what’s your favorite animal?
No way, Gayreeks in Serbia 💀
Me and my boyfriend on a protest in serbia